Das Anti-Star Trek

August 29th, 2011  |  Published in anti-Star Trek, Shameless self-promotion  |  1 Comment

It's pretty cool to discover that someone likes your writing enough to translate it for free. So I'm happy to report that my [most popular post of all time](http://www.peterfrase.com/2010/12/anti-star-trek-a-theory-of-posterity/) is now available [in German](http://www.systempunkte.org/article/anti-star-trek) at systempunkte.org, which was described to me as "a blog platform with a broadly left-libertarian and anarchist focus."

Thanks to Chris from systempunkte for doing the translation. If any of my readers happen to be Deutsch-speaking, let me know what you think of it.


  1. Edward Damon says:

    August 29th, 2011 at 4:17 pm (#)

    Not that this has anything really to do with the post being available in German, but I used Anti-Star Trek as part of a presentation on interesting ideas in the social sciences for an unofficial, biweekly, interesting topics series for physics grad students (in addition to Rat Park and the Submerged State). If you want a part of the pizza I was bribed with to give that talk, I can arrange to mail some to you!

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